Freelance photo from weareimpulse.com
Freelancing is a convenient way of earning money and paying bills by doing something you are passionate about without having to leave the house. You can get to work with disheveled hair. You can start working without even brushing your teeth. After all, no one would know.
Freelancing is tempting but engaging in this job needs determination, belief in one's abilities and self discipline. Of course you need to believe in yourself because you would be selling your skill. You need to believe that you are the best in your field. You need to spice up your resume and convince employers that you are exactly the one they are looking for. It's difficult to do if you don't believe in your own abilities.
I am a freelancer myself and I know how hard it is to resist the temptation of watching movies, lying in bed, reading nice novels, and (for some people) of course browsing Facebook. I am struggling to keep a straight schedule and stop entertaining distracting thoughts.
I found an article written by Lianne Martha Laroya, my favorite Personal Finance Blogger and it really helped me a lot to understand the context of freelancing.
She determined Five Questions to Ask Yourself Before Freelancing and she also laid out the corresponding actions that can be done to manage these identified freelancing issues. After all, each of us has our won strengths and weaknesses. To learn more about it, click here.